Kickstarter often throws up some intriguing products, particularly of the tech variety, but seldom do we see the kind of buzz and excitement around a start-up project than with Pressy,an Android-targeting peripheral recently launched on the site. This time around, we’d like to introduce you to Pressy, a cheap Android accessory that turns your headphone jack into a programmable button. While most of the fun with Kickstarter campaigns lies in the fact that you don’t know if the product will achieve full funding, Pressy has decided to steal all the fun away from us by shattering its $40,000 goal. The project raised $60,000 in the first day alone.
How much does this smart micro button cost? $17 will get you the basic Pressy. You’ll have to be pretty patient though, as it’s not due to ship til March next year. The project is at least well on its way to hitting its goal of $40,000, with more than $30,000 raised and still 46 days left to run on its funding campaign. Hardware hacking FTW.
How much does this smart micro button cost? $17 will get you the basic Pressy. You’ll have to be pretty patient though, as it’s not due to ship til March next year. The project is at least well on its way to hitting its goal of $40,000, with more than $30,000 raised and still 46 days left to run on its funding campaign. Hardware hacking FTW.
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