Samsung yesterday launched the Galaxy Note 3 at its annual pre-IFA press conference in Berlin. The Galaxy Note 3, which represents the third generation in its series of flagship phablet devices, features the latest and greatest hardware specifications that money can buy and Samsung will launch it in India on September 25. Let’s take a look at what exactly has changed in the Galaxy Note 3 from its predecessor, the Galaxy Note II.
To begin with the exteriors and the design, the Galaxy Note 3 boasts a different design language with a noticeably thinner and even lighter body. The biggest change is the soft textured stitched-leather back instead of a plastic one as seen on most of the other Samsung smartphones. It also comes with a metallic rim around its edge. On comparing it to the predecessor, while the Galaxy Note II did not have much change to offer in terms of the chassis and looks, the notebook-like back texture of Galaxy Note 3 makes it look far more premium and comfortable to hold than the Galaxy Note II.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 has been launched and will be getting a global worldwide release on September 25 in 149 different countries. The new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is a larger phablet than its predecessor and boasts more powerful specs, it will also come at a steeper price. Is it worth upgrading from the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 for most users?
The Galaxy Note 3 comes with the 5.7 inch Super AMOLED display with the Full HD resolution, compared to the 720p 5.5 inch Super AMOLED display in the earlier gen. Galaxy Note. The pixel density has got better, and thus the vibrancy in the pictures has.
The Note 3 has got thinner, and thus although the little larger screen, the comfort levels haven’t changed much. It’s 8.3mm thickness for the Note 3, while it’s 9.4 in the Note II.
Processor wise, you get to see two different processors in two variants – the International one gets an octa-core chipset clocking at 1.9 GHz, while the LTE one gets a 2.3 GHz quad-core chipset. The Note II had a quad-core processor clocking at 1.6 GHz, but the GPU is a lot better now, with the Adreno 330 being sent in the Note 3, but it was the ARM Mali 400 in the Note II.
Camera in the Galaxy Note 3 would be able to capture 4K videos at 2160p resolution, while the 1080p videos can be taken at 60fps, the Note II’s 8MP camera can do a good 1080p capture at 30 fps and not better than that.
Samsung has followed the step taken by Motorola in providing different color back panels, and thus the Note 3 would be coming in 9 colors for the back panels, but it was just the three – Blue, Gray and White in which the Note II was available.
To take it straight point by point, check the table below which compares the different specs:
We aren’t comparing the prices because the Galaxy Note 3 has just launched and there’s no pricing information available yet, but we expect the price to be same at which the Note II was launched in the market.
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